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Search tracks, listen to results


Today a new feature appears on the site, tracks search.

On top of now being able to search any radio tracks, and find the one you want to play, you can from today listen to a selection of tracks from a radio.\

Fig 1. playing selection “#after” from Radio Tobha
That’s right, you can try it now, go to any radio (of course, yours too!), and explore the list of tracks. Just search for something, and if there are any results press the “load selection” button to listen to everything in the player.

About #hashtags 

Hashtags are pretty neat, they can be used to create “playlists” from your tracks.

Let’s say, that if on every “jazz” track in you radio, you add to the description the term “#jazz”; you and every other user will then be able to search for all tracks that you decided to tag. Therefore, hashtags can be used as tags, if you feel like it.

Track description, and title

Every track you add to you radio can have a “title” and “description”. These two fields are used to lookup for your search. You can add every information you think is usefull to a description.

Fig 2. Radio Girafe use of track descriptions allows to play a selection of tracks from “1978”

The future

We this is a major feature and a pretty usefull one. It is also only the beginning as some new ideas will soon come to complement this feature.

If you start using #hashtags in your tracks, let’s say “#cumbia”, or “#party”, you can also “advertise” your tags in your radio channel description. That way, listeners looking for a radio with “cumbia” will be able to find you, and listen directly to your cumbia selection; a good match.\

Last teaser, wouldn’t it be sweet if your tracks could easily have tags already? Let’s say, the country of origin, the track released year, the record label that published it… genre? styles? Many possibilities in this forseable future.

As usual, let us know if you’re having any feedback, issue or want to get in touch:\\

Hope you’ll enjoy the digging.


Embed a Radio4000 with an Iframe, on any website

From today you can embed your Radio4000 onto any other webpage. Meet RADIO ARKOV.

How to use?

You need to add to your site the following snippet of code. You will find the right code to be copied at the bottom of every Radio4000 radio page.

You can customize the values in pixels of `width` and `height` of this `iframe` HTML element to suit your design needs. If you look closer, you will see the part in the `src` property, ending with `?slug=arkov`. Replace `arkov` for your radio slug and it will work too! Not something to remember, just fun to know.


This player is exactly the same as the one used on We introduced it earlier this year (blog post). Everything you do on Radio4000 you can also do this this player, on every website you encounter it.

The player is responsive, that means it will fully resize itself depending on your screen size (try it!). Actually, not only does it resize with the scren, but with the parent HTML elements it is within.

If you are looking for a more customizable version of this player, the code is free software (GPLv3)

What is HTML code?

If you are not certain what html is and how it works, we would warmly recommand you have a look at Codecademy’s tutorial on HTML and CSS. It is a great ressource to quickly start enjoying writting useful pieces of code.


Protip: /play & /play/random

Hello there,

just wanted to share with you two good tips to start listening to a radio as fast as possible.

Let’s take a radio, could be yours, could be anyone else’s, let’s say, hi balls!

When you want to play this radio on, you will probably type the address of radio4000 in your web browser, then visit the radio page before finally hitting the play button or a track on the chosen radio.\

That’s cool and pretty quick, but now there is a faster way, taking the form of a URL shortcut. Let me show you, it is very straight forward. 

The first link will just play the latest track from “balls” radio.
The second link will play a random track from the same radio.

Note 1: remember it works for any radio, but you of course have to know the radio URL (, the part after the “/”). \

Note 2: to find what is your radio URL, visit your radio on and look at address in your browser. You can edit it by going to the edit page or your radio.

Radio4000 updates to version 3.3! What’s new?

Radio4000 updates to version 3.3! What’s new?In order to explore radios faster, we’ve added a “play ‘n shuffle” button on the radio channel cards. Try it, tap it as many times as you like, we think it makes listening much more fun. Your favorite radios are taking the place of the “most popular radios” section directly on the homepage.We’ve also started implementing a new design for radios, further innovations can be expected in the upcoming versions.HTTPS protocol comes in to improve security of communications between your devices and Radio4000 (Note: we recommend you to use this browser extension, https everywhere, that forces https on every site you visit).Finally, one small but useful change; to share the current track being played, copy its link from the player bar at the bottom.We’re already working on the next version for Radio4000, you can expect non-intrusive notifications to let you know when radios you like have added new tracks.One last keyword, customization.Have a good week, maybe this track from last week’s featured radio, Sugar Hiccup, can help shape it.