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How to use the Radio4000 bookmarklet to add tracks faster in my radio?

How to use the Radio4000 bookmarklet to add tracks faster in my radio?Here is a solution that works for every one, on mac, pc, mobile, tablet or smartwatch (alright, possibly not that one), without having to install anything!Much simpler to explain it with gifs (above), but here is the text explanation:drag the bookmarklet to your browser’s favorite baropen a music you like on Youtube. Click the bookmarklet (you just added it in your browser’s favorite bar! Read more…


Hi — today we’ve been upgrading Radio4000 and it’s live! More images a bookmarklet to easily add tracks directly while you’re browsing YouTube. filtering and search is back on Discover everything is faster with the new Glimmer rendering engine from Ember. All in all the best Radio4000 so far! As usual, if you need help, have feedback or any other inquiries just use the way to contact us you prefer, please! Read more…