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Embed a Radio4000 with an Iframe, on any website

From today you can embed your Radio4000 onto any other webpage. Meet RADIO ARKOV.

How to use?

You need to add to your site the following snippet of code. You will find the right code to be copied at the bottom of every Radio4000 radio page.

You can customize the values in pixels of `width` and `height` of this `iframe` HTML element to suit your design needs. If you look closer, you will see the part in the `src` property, ending with `?slug=arkov`. Replace `arkov` for your radio slug and it will work too! Not something to remember, just fun to know.


This player is exactly the same as the one used on We introduced it earlier this year (blog post). Everything you do on Radio4000 you can also do this this player, on every website you encounter it.

The player is responsive, that means it will fully resize itself depending on your screen size (try it!). Actually, not only does it resize with the scren, but with the parent HTML elements it is within.

If you are looking for a more customizable version of this player, the code is free software (GPLv3)

What is HTML code?

If you are not certain what html is and how it works, we would warmly recommand you have a look at Codecademy’s tutorial on HTML and CSS. It is a great ressource to quickly start enjoying writting useful pieces of code.


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