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Older logs

An internal timeline of things we pushed on Radio4000. Posted here so it doesn’t get lost in the internet.

[v3.0.0] 02.05.2015
Images, autosearch, bugs, design

[v2.0.0] 07.03.2015
Redesign, tabs, favorites and followers and tons of other improvements

[v1.2.0] 09.01.2015
Now you can shuffle

[v1.1.1] 01.01.2015

[v1.1.0] 21.12.2014
On the world’s shortest day we managed to improve everything. We rewrote the playback functionality and performance is much better.

[v1.0.0] 25.10.2014
First real version where everything is working

[v0.2.0] 14.09.2014
Rewrote almost everything

[v0.1.5] 12.08.2014
Nothing new but sun and drinks

[v0.1.0] 01.06.2014
First working version

[v0.0.0] 01.03.2014
Development begun

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